Photo Journey #3

Hi there

In today’s journey we’re going on an Italian adventure. I hope you enjoy it and get inspired to travel a bit more.


Pisa By The River

Just a quick question.

In March of 2015, during our enchanting visit to Florence, Italy, we were inspired to explore the nearby city of Pisa, just a 45-minute journey from Florence's heart. Without a rental car at our disposal and keen to avoid the potential expense of public transport, we embraced the suggestion of our amiable AirBnB host and opted for a ride-sharing service quaintly named Blah Blah Car. What a whimsical name, right? The journey itself was a delight, enhanced by our local driver's insightful chatter, covering a myriad of topics.

Our exploration of Pisa, marked by the iconic leaning tower, was just the beginning. We meandered along the Arno river, a ribbon of water stretching far and wide. The day was draped in a wintery cloak - cloudy skies, a gentle rain, and a palette of blues and grays dominating the scenery. Yet, this somber backdrop couldn't dampen our spirits. We found joy in the novelty of our surroundings, our adventure brightened intermittently by the sun's playful peek-a-boo.

It was during our leisurely stroll back to the meeting point, with Florence calling us back, that a captivating scene unfolded before us. The Arno, calm and reflective, mirrored a picturesque town-like vista. In that moment, all my grievances about the weather vanished. Capturing this scene in just 1/30 of a second felt like freezing a piece of time itself. The interplay of the melancholic blue and gray sky against the distant, yet assertive, golden sunlight imbued the scene with an epic aura, an ambiance I would relive in an instant.

This was our "Pisa By The River" - a testament to the beauty and serenity found in unexpected moments and places.

Have you ever wandered through Pisa?The lesson is that life’s true beauty often lies in the journey, not just the destination. This adventure reminded me that persistence, adaptability, and an open heart can transform an ordinary experience into an extraordinary one. Whether it’s connecting with fellow enthusiasts, bending rules to fuel creativity, or simply appreciating nature’s wonders, every step of the way holds its own magic. Remember, sometimes the most enriching lessons are hidden in the most unexpected moments

Thank you for reading today’s newsletter.


Moshe Levis
Landscape Photographer
Creator of Mosh Planner