Photo Journey #1

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I wanted to share with you a glimpse into today's photo journey, a brief escapade that turned into an unexpected canvas of emotions and memories. We ventured out with our cameras in hand, aiming to seize the transient beauty of the Golden Gate at sunset. It was not just a pursuit of perfect shots, but a quest for tranquility amidst life's relentless pace. 

Shutter and Heartstrings

It was one of those moments when life seemed to stand still. I remember fumbling with the settings of my camera, a Canon EOS 5D, the weight familiar in my hands. I had been planning this photography trip for months, and there I was, on the cusp of the golden hour, where the light was just perfect—soft and warm, a painter's dream. It was early October, and the air had that crispness that hinted at autumn, carrying the briny scent of the sea mixed with the faint, earthy fragrance of dry eucalyptus leaves from nearby Presidio park.

I had traveled with my sister, Maria, and her husband, James, who both shared my passion for the outdoors. We had started early in the morning from our small hotel in downtown San Francisco, eager to capture the beauty of the day. The trip was meant to be a break from the grey monotony of our daily routines, a chance to breathe and find some peace amid nature and the majesty of human creation.

The Golden Gate Bridge, in its iconic International Orange, stretched across the blue canvas of the sky. It was about 5:30 PM, and the sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows that played hide and seek with the bridge's steel structure. We weren't alone in our quest for the perfect shot; a small crowd of fellow enthusiasts had gathered, tripods at the ready, all waiting for that elusive moment of perfect light.

Underneath the bridge, a large container ship, its side emblazoned with the name 'HANJIN', made its way out towards the Pacific. It was a gentle giant, moving slowly, almost thoughtfully through the water, its presence a testament to the ever-moving, ever-changing world we live in. The sound of the ship's horn echoed, a deep, sonorous farewell that seemed to speak of journeys and the vast unknown.

Maria and James were setting up their own equipment, a Nikon for her and a Sony camcorder for him. They were both as focused as I was, but there was an underlying excitement between us, a shared understanding that we were capturing more than just images; we were capturing memories, moments, and the very essence of hope that travel and new experiences bring.

We stayed until the last light faded from the sky, talking and laughing, occasionally falling silent to appreciate the sound of the waves against the shore and the distant hum of the city behind us. As the stars began to appear, one by one, I felt a profound sense of gratitude. It wasn't just about the photos or the adventure; it was about the hope that days like this brought—hope that no matter what life threw at us, there would always be beauty and a reason to keep moving forward.

We packed up our gear, the smell of saltwater clinging to our skin, and made our way back to the hotel. The trip had lasted just a day, but the hope and the memories we made would, I knew, last a lifetime.

Thank you for reading today’s newsletter.


Moshe Levis
Landscape Photographer
Creator of Mosh Planner